Saturday, January 23, 2010

Black Forest

WOW! Are we at week two already, seems like just yesterday I was just commenting on a nice craft brew. Oh wait; I was having a nice craft brew so never mind. Ok, so week two brings us…..

Saranac Black Forest by Matt Brewing Co. Utica, NY.

Well it pours a nice color of …Black, hmm; imagine that, guess that’s why it’s called Black Forest.

The head comes out nice and thick but disappears a little too quickly and ends up a thin film on the top of the beer. It does however leave some nice lacing as you drink it down; leaving distinct layers after each mouthful, letting you know if you are a big gulper or a slow sipper.

The first scent you pick up reminds you of a nice warm woodsy night, the earthy tones coming from the abundant malts used in this beer. It’s doesn’t have a complex flavor profile, most of the flavor hits at the end as you are about to swallow but not leaving any after taste. Black Forest is easy to drink, almost too easy, a very good cold weather brew to warm the soul. It’s another good craft beer for the novice beer drinker to try. So don’t be scared to visit the Black Forest, nothing is going to bite you in here.

Cheers! Go have a cold one on me, and let it be something you’ve been itching to try. Yeah, go ahead, its only beer.


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