Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patrick's day surprise - McSorley's Irish Black Lager

Bonus Review Alert! Bonus Review Alert!

Ok, so I normally do my reviews on Friday, the first two were on Saturday but the norm has become for me to do it on Friday. But I thought today would be a great day to post a special review, it being St Patrick’s Day and all, I would go a get an Irish beer and give it a review. Well, when I did some research on some Irsih beers, I became disappointed, you see, St. Patrick wasn’t Irish, had no ties to beer and Patrick wasn’t even his real name. Well now I had to find out the real deal, why the Irish celebrate St. Patrick’s Day (more so than the rest of the world), what was his real name and why March 17th. Maybe I missed this in grade school or sleep through it in high school, either way that was a long time ago, so I venture on.

So, you can check out the real story here or here or even here. Just think, If I were writing reviews in the 80’s or 90’s I would have to go to the library or at least find the encyclopedia to find out all this cool information, but not in this age of the internet. Hey, will my kids even know what a library is? Anyway, this isn’t a history blog; oh no it is a blog about beer so here we go with:

McSorley’s Irish Black Lager (Product of the USA), St Patrick wasn’t Irish so why should this beer be?

It pours black just as advertised but with little to no head which is odd for any Irish style beer but maybe my glass was dirty. Not dirty as in yuck, don’t drink out of it, but just not beer clean. Dish detergents, especially dish washer detergents can ruin a beer head. So maybe this one snuck in the dish washer when I wasn’t looking. The sniff gives me a familiar scent but one I can’t quit determine, I then pick up a little bit of roasted malts, and maybe a slight hint of liquorice. The initial taste and mouth feel are a very strange sensation for a beer, almost cola like just before the liquorice hits you at the very end. I’m not that familiar with a Black Lagers so I also picked up the Sam Adams Black Lager and will compare the two. Unlike must black/dark beers this isn’t landing heavy on the ol’ stomach, which is nice, although I don’t think I could drink more than one or two per sitting.

This beer works for me as a nice mid-week surprise review. Thanks St. Paddy even if you didn’t have any big historic connection to beer. Cheers everyone!


UPDATE: OK, so a few readers are saying I left them not knowing my opinion of the beer. Let's just say I will not go out of my way to get it. If it is all someone has to offer me, fine, I'll drink it. If they have anything else I'll probably opt for the other. Sorry McSorley, this was just kind of a flat, non-interesting beer.

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